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Textile Textbook: The Joy of Jacquards

The jacquard loom revolutionized the way complex textile patterns such as velvet, damask and paisley are produced. Before the loom was invented in 1801, jacquard weaving was an esteemed craft practiced by skilled artisans with a musician’s rhythm. One arm coordinated the weaving of horizontal weft yarns over and under the warp yarns that ran perpendicular to the loom, while the other arm alternately raised and lowered those tensioned warps.

The jacquard loom changed the game: Complex textile patterns were drawn onto grid paper and sent to a specialist who transformed the drawings into perforations punched onto a series of cards, which were then fed through the specialized loom, similar to how a player piano roll produces a song. Though a computer program handles the task today, knowing the history of this elegant craft can help us appreciate the long tradition of some of the most intricate fabric designs.


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